POP Academic & Sporting Bursaries now available

POP bursaries are now available.

Looked After Children are far less likely to take advantage of these opportunities than those who have experienced normal family upbringing. Amongst the general population, around 40% go on to university, within the Foster children community, that figure is a mere 6%. POP is seeking to address this disparity with their bursaries.

The bursaries can vary from £500 to £2000 per year depending on circumstances. These bursaries are available for any Children Looked After in Bracknell and Berkshire who want to further their academic or sporting achievements either at university, college or within the sporting world. These bursaries can also support our young people on their way to such endeavours, for example by providing computers, sporting kit, short courses - either academic or sporting, extra tuition etc.

There is a formal application process which will include a written application from the applicant, applicants will then be shortlisted, those on the shortlist will be interviewed and a final decision will be made by POP's trustees.

POP is very keen to open the eyes of the Children Looked After in Bracknell and Berkshire to the opportunities available to them and support them in any way possible to reach their ambitions. Please do talk to your children about these opportunities and please do start early. So, from the time they are choosing/thinking/about their subjects at 14 - 15 -16 years of age. We all know that the state loans to go to onto further education do not cover the costs. Our POP bursaries look to supplement those loans, try to encourage our Children Looked After to think big, take on the challenge of further education and not be deterred at an early stage through fear of debt.

For more information or an application form please contact POP at powerofparenting16@gmail.com.

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